Services Overview

Audit Services
A major portion of our professional practice is auditing services to health care facilities and related entities. Through testing and evaluating evidence, we are able to express an opinion and advise on a client’s financial statements.
Each audit engagement is under the supervision of a specific partner whose expertise best suits the specific need of the client. Through our knowledge and understanding of the client’s business and their competitive position; as well as the prevailing conditions in the industry, we can offer targeted, specific recommendations. We advise on the client’s services and their relative importance to revenues as well as the audit risk conditions for the client’s business.
This insight permits us to concentrate on what is most important in conducting an effective and efficient audit. Our audits involve a combination of analysis and testing; including specialized audit techniques, which, coupled with year-end verification procedures, enables us to express our opinion on the fairness of the financial statements.
Throughout the audit, we look for ways to improve the client’s internal controls, operating efficiency and profitability and advise the client on ways to improve their bottom line.
Healthcare/Third Party Reimbursement Consulting Services
Our firm has extensive experience in health care/third party reimbursement consulting. Through our excellent relationship and reputation with the N.Y.S. Department of Health, the Medicare Intermediaries and CMS (Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services) and other federal and state agencies, we successfully resolve client third party reimbursement and regulatory problems.
This includes
- RHCF-4, RHCF-2, AHCF-1 (Medicaid), CFR’s and 2540-10 and other Medicaid and Medicare Cost Reports preparation and/or review.
- Review of Medicaid and Medicare Reimbursement Rates.
- Capital Cost Certifications.
- Assistance in preparation of financial schedules or Certificate of Need applications.
- Preparation of Medicaid and Medicare Reimbursement Rate Appeals.
- Attendance of all Entrance and Exit Conferences with Medicaid and Medicare auditors.
- Meetings with N.Y.S. Department of Health, Medicare Intermediaries and CMS on behalf of our clients, as necessary.
- Guidance and monitoring of the accumulation of required statistics for the preparation of Medicaid and Medicare Reports.
- Assistance and/or preparation of financial projections and budgets for Certificates of Need and other purposes.
- Assistance and guidance on strategies for Third Party Reimbursement maximization.
- Monitoring case mix indexes as it relates toThird Party Reimbursement.
Tax Services
The firm’s tax services include a wide variety of activities such as:
- Not-for-Profit federal and state reporting
- Tax preparation and planning advice for all proprietary business operations and structures.
- Assistance in complying with Federal, State, and Local tax reporting and disclosure requirements
- Income, gift and estate tax planning for individuals.
Current tax laws are so complex that even clients with a highly sophisticated internal staff will seek the counsel of independent tax advisors to fully protect the interest of the owner or shareholder. Because of our comprehensive experience in serving a wide range of clients, we are frequently able to identify advantageous tax opportunities, as well as provide risk assessments for potential tax problems.
The firm has extensive experience in the preparation of returns and other forms in compliance with Federal, State, and Local laws. We are frequently asked to represent clients in deliberations with tax authorities – including the preparation of protests for appeal of tax assessments.
With respect to Estates and Trusts, we often assist attorneys, trustees and executors in the administration of Estates and Trusts, and provide tax planning post-mortem and inter vivos. We also assist attorneys by preparing Federal estate tax and State inheritance tax returns and, when necessary, we prepare financial schedules for executors’ or trustees’ judicial or informal accounting.
In performing these services, we frequently make use of computerized projections to discover the consequences of alternative courses of action. Our partners and personnel constantly keep abreast of the latest developments in estate tax law and related income tax.
Combined Services
The combined service approach is a way of providing accounting, auditing, tax and other comprehensive services to small and growing businesses that lack a full spectrum of in-house financial expertise. Through this approach, the firm combines the personal services of the small accounting firm along with the extensive experience and diverse resources of the partners and staff.
The firm is experienced in auditing, as well as tax practice and consultation. We work closely with our clients who need integrated services and individual, personal attention.
Combined services include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Accounting services
- Auditing services
- Compilation and review services
- Establishing accounting, internal control systems or procedures
- Designing financial statements and management information reports
- Consulting on capital needs, long-range planning or financial alternatives
- Training client personnel in financial and tax accounting and reporting matters
- Tax return preparation
- Tax planning
- Estate planning
- Third Party Reimbursement
- Other federal and state regulatory reporting
HUD Reporting
We have extensive experience with HUD construction cost certifications and annual financial Reporting (REAC) and required audit procedures.
Accounting Services
We recognize that accurate, well-organized financial information is critical to your corporate or personal financial health. Our detail-oriented and insightful team is committed to providing the comprehensive reports, analysis, and services you need to manage your finances and assess your financial position. We offer a broad spectrum of meaningful and cost-effective accounting and auditing services; from bookkeeping services to financial statement preparation to financial analysis to help you to manage your finances efficiently and accurately.
- Bookkeeping/Write-Up Services
- Expert Financial Analysis
- Thorough Financial Analysis
- Compilation, Review, and Audit Analysis
Business Consulting Services
Our experienced team of business consultants are committed to assisting you through every phase of the business life cycle; applying our experience and insight to provide you with meaningful and practical strategies and solutions to address the issues facing your business. From incorporation through business succession planning, we provide the comprehensive advice, insight, and technical expertise you need to help your business achieve success at any stage.
- Incorporation and New Business Analysis
- Business Purchase or Sale Analysis
- Management Consulting
- Bankruptcy Services
- Mergers and Acquisitions Assistance
- Financial Forecast and Projections
- Business Succession and Exit Planning